Wednesday, February 27, 2013


My son sat me down a few days ago to tell me he and his girlfriend Chansey were expecting a baby.  It obviously wasn't planned (he just graduated college, doesn't have a job and still lives at home), but we wanted me to know that even though he had never planned to have children he was very excited and had every intention of being a great father to his child.

Wow....I didn't see that one coming!

I was very careful to keep my face blank, and took a moment to count to 10 before I responded.  I knew I had to choose my words wisely because while my mind was screaming NOOOOOOO!!!!, I knew that my son was scared and more than anything he needed my love and support. So that's what I gave him.  There's a time for lectures and this was not one of them.

I'm going to be honest, I'm not thrilled about the circumstances, but what parent would be? My son worked his ass off in school so he would graduate with honors - which he did - and was in search of his dream job and I sat there envisioning a large number of possibility doors slamming shut. He no longer has the luxury of taking his time to find the perfect he just needs ANY job. He has a child on the way and that means he has a lot financial responsibility crashing down on his shoulders. Babies are expensive. It will need diapers, and clothes, and food, and insurance...anyone who has ever had a child knows exactly what I'm talking about. This child is HIS financial responsibility, not the responsibility of tax payers in our state.

I'm proud of my son for accepting responsibility for his actions, a lot of men would have walked away and left the mother to deal with the fallout. I'm proud that he's already deeply in love and devoted to his child...I would expect no less.

But still, even though I'm worried sick about his future, about his girlfriend's future, about the baby's future, I have to admit that the moment I looked at the ultrasound picture my heart melted and I fell instantly in love with my grandson...or granddaughter...we don't know yet but I'm feeling boy vibes.

So sometime in September we will be getting an addition to our family.  It's going to feel strange to be a "normal" grandma, but I'm here to show love and support for DJ and his new family and I'm asking all our friends and family to do the same. DJ and Chansey are about to start down a hard and rocky road, and they'll need all the love, prayers, and good thoughts they can get.

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