I am a big believer of the rights as set up in the U.S. Constitution.
I believe in the right of free speech - even when I don't like what some people say.
I believe in the right to bear arms so you can protect your family - because believe me when I say the bad guys will ALWAYS find a way to obtain weapons to harm those you love.
I believe people not only have the right, but an obligation to vote - because it's OUR country, OUR president, OUR representatives, OUR senators...I've always said if you don't do your part and vote then you have no business bitching about what our lawmakers do while in office...you have the right to bitch...but, well...(see item #2)
I believe that all Americans should stand united after the elections. Whether you voted for the (fill in the blank - President, Governor, Representative, Senator, etc) they are the ones representing all of us so while we should respect the office I also think it's important to keep in contact with those in office. Go to your state capitals, drop into the offices, take time to meet with those representing you and tell them what you want. Send them emails, tell them your thoughts, what worries you, your hopes for the future. These people can't adequately represent you if you don't give your input.
Those are my beliefs that I have followed every since I've been old enough to vote, which is why I'm shocked at my behavior tonight.
When my husband came home from work I asked who he had voted for in the presidential race and was a bit surprised to find out it was not the same way that I had voted. It doesn't matter who each of us voted for or the reasons we voted the way we did...it's our RIGHT to vote the way our heart and conscious leads us to vote.
Instead of acting the way I should have acted, praising him for getting up early so he could vote before work, I blew up...REALLY blew up. I think my exact words were "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!"...and that was followed by a lengthy dissertation on why his vote was the wrong choice, how it was going to affect our family, Brandi's medical insurance...on and on my rant went.
My husband, being the kind, even tempered man he is talked to me in a calm voice and explained why he felt he had to cast the vote he did...and I still bellowed on.
So here's the thing....I HATE people who act like that...who react with narrow viewpoints and unkind words, who lash out at others who have opposing view points...and suddenly I was one of them.
I am chalking my outburst up to the massive dose of steroids I had injected into my body today...steroids have a habit of making me a bit emotional...and by that I mean I get a little nuts. I'm not using the steroids as an excuse because frankly there is no excusing my behavior, but I do believe it's the reason...because that is not normal behavior for me.
I apologized to my husband...okay, it was about an hour later...but I did give him my most sincere apology...and of course he accepted it - because he's just that good of a man.
So together we will continue to work together to improve - or at least maintain - life for our family. We will BOTH support our president because like it or not he IS our president. We have each vowed to be part of the solution and not part of the problem, we will do our best - just as we have always done - to support our country and it's constitution.
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